About Us
A successful women entrepreneur, admired, leader, speaker in the financial services industry with over 15yrs of experience. Founder of Financial Feathers on a mission to help people “Giving wings to their financial dreams” A professional who helps individuals, families and companies to manage financial resources efficiently with an objective to help them achieve financial well-being. Financial well-being is a feeling of security, clarity and confidence about having enough financial resources to meet your family financial goals.
What are family’s financial resources?
Savings > Income Assets > Net worth
Expenses Liabilities
Four pillars of personal finance
“Money is a means goals
Happiness is a end goal”

Reasons why do you need our services
1) Product complexities and range of options.2) Equity investing (Equity MF, PMS, Direct Equity)
3) Manage Behavioral biases to convert investment returns into investor returns
4) Holistic Approach – All money decisions are interconnected
5) Information overload.
6) Marketing Bombardment
7) Investors – Lazy, Busy, Crazy